
Archive for the ‘Injury’ Category


Thursday, April 19, 2012 2 comments

I woke up on Monday and I could not bend my bad knee. The two previous days I had been playing tourist with my sister-in-law who was visiting from Maine. We did a lot of walking and my feet were sore but don’t remember any knee issues.

I started taking Advil on Monday and rested the knee but finally broke down and went to the chiropractor this afternoon. First he applied ice while using TENS. Then he used Graston Technique to break down scar tissue.

He told me to continue to ice my knee and I could start doing light exercise on Saturday if the knee felt better.

Categories: Injury, Soft Tissue Treatment Tags:

Injury Report

Sunday, March 4, 2012 2 comments

Well, some how I strained my right glute muscle on Friday evening. I got up from my chair after watching Downton Abbey and felt pain in my right glute muscle. It actually hurt to walk. My right knee is also sore.

Is this what it feels like to get old? I must have strained my muscle the day before when I did spinning?

Yesterday morning I did some yoga because I thought stretching the muscles would help. But, my glute muscle hurt during yoga so I stopped. I took some ibuprofen and then scheduled a deep tissue massage at Happy Feet Reflexology. I have had the reflexology twice before but never had a full body massage here.

I was a little nervous because my previous deep tissue massages have been very painful. After my wonderful session today, I told my massage therapists about my previous painful experiences and he told me that he is patient and does not apply a lot of pressure right off the bat. He told me that my hamstring and lower back muscles were very tight and recommended stretching them. I took some more ibuprofen and then before bed I took a muscle relaxant.

My glute muscle felt better this morning but it still hurts a little when I walk. I wanted do something active today that would not aggravate my injury so I decided to work on around the injury

5 x 5 Seated presses (10 kg)
3 x 10 Bench presses (50 lbs)
3 x 60 second planks on my elbows
5 SLDL (no weight)

Check out the article on Powerful Reasons to Use a Workout Log.

Categories: Injury